Sunday, May 31, 2009

personality disorder??

welcome to the sunday afternoon of my discontent.......sunday afternoons are depressing. no more weekend to look forward to - just monday and another week of "nothing much too special if i'm lucky" or another week of "what the fuck is going to go wrong NOW???" option two is usually what happens by wednesday i am awaiting calls and visits from both lowes and spenard builder's supply by mid-week, i'm sure this week - like most others - will be one of those "what the fuck......" weeks.

i'm also waiting for the results of a whole battery of tests done on me friday to be in my fabulous but somewhat distracted md's hands by monday. i'm not looking forward to learning the results. either way i'm screwed. if they are bad, then at least there's a reason for feeling lousy. if they are good, then it's even worse.......then there's no reason for feeling like a truck hit me.....

it was interesting to sneak a look at my records on my doc's computer though (he should be thankful i wasn't feeling too creative or i would've done something fun to his screensaver). let's go down the list ......"stage 3 chronic renal failure" - check. "vascular hypertension (see stage 3 chronic renal failure) - check. "depression" - check. but PERSONALITY DISORDER!?!? since when has this been a diagnosis and/or problem? true - i have the attention span of a gnat, a generally pessimistic outlook towards life, i question most authority and always drive over the speed limit..... but since when is this a personality disorder? i thought it was part of my charm....

now the nice folks at the american psychiatric association define a personality discorder as "an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations of the culture of the individual who exhibits it". uh - and this is supposed to be a bad thing???

i just took a peak at the news from my "culture" today and did a few searches on twitter, yahoo, etc. etc. it seems that my culture is obsessed about jon and kate, susan boyle, the hills, octo-mom's new reality series and dozens of ways to increase penis size....... and some half-baked pro-life moron murdered an abortion doctor. in church nonetheless for that special touch of irony.

not that i don't indulge in reading cheap tabloids or trying to keep somewhat aware of the news (how else will i know what to complain about?) but why are all these people taking all of this sooooooooooo seriously??? if i had to live with a shrew like kate, i'd be spending a lot of time in bars myself. i'm still trying to figure out the public's obsession with women that produce there really that much of a market for clever uterus tricks?

as far as the pro-life moron - angry? yes. surprised? oh hell no! my only surprise is how quickly the right-to-life folks are disassociating themselves from the deed. if the tide of public opinion was actually in favor of such a cowardly act, they'd be beating their chests and proclaiming it was them all along........yes indeed - i gave him the gun AND a ride to church! but as it's not, they doing the non-violence spin faster than i would run to a 75% off clearance rack at macys.....

groucho marx had it right - "I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members"....... we are the malcontents that relish in pointing out the emperor has no clothes (or that "caribou barbi" is a great nickname for sarah palin - but that's another rant). do you really want to go over the cliff with the rest of the lemmings? if questioning the status quo is a personality disorder, then my doc got it right - and the man knows me well enough to i would consider a "personality disorder" a compliment of the highest regard!

shit - i should've changed his screensaver while he was out of the room......damn!

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